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The IAM advanced Riding Test

  • The test takes about 90 minutes and covers 35 to 40 miles; it will incorporate all types of roads and conditions.
  • It is presented in a friendly, non-intimidating way
  • Your examiner will be a trained police motorcycle rider and police advanced car rider who will advise you at the end of the test whether you are recommended for full membership; if not you can retake the test at a later date.
  • You take the test on your own road legal bike and will be required to present up to date licence and documents, including MOT [if required].
  • You must always stick to speed limits whilst riding as progressively as conditions allow.
  • You should ride the way you have been shown by your Observers.
  • You may be asked to demonstrate some simple low speed manoeuvring skills.Minor faults do not lead to failure but infringements of the law will not be condoned.
Peter Greenwood had this to say about his experience with Skill for Life.

''I have been a biker on and off for about 40 years but took it up more seriously when I reached my mid fifties.

I was aware that when I went out I would have good and bad days with really satisfying rides only fairly rarely.  I sometimes came back feeling lucky or even angry after a near miss and sometimes guilty if I had taken a few liberties or misjudged something and I was used to riding at really big speeds on my GSXR 1000.

I am convinced now that I was an accident waiting to happen and I think that there are a lot of other bikers in the same position, sadly the statistics confirm it.

I already knew Terry Towler, my IAM trainer, who persuaded me to take the Skills for Life training. It was excellent, sometimes tiring but always enjoyable.

I now have good rides pretty well all of the time, my confidence has grown and I now feel properly in control and it really makes all the difference.

I can’t think of any biker who wouldn’t benefit from this very cost effective training and if it racks up the fun of their ride like it has mine, it’s actually priceless!'