Evaluation of Advanced Driving

Research report posted on 05/04/16 |
Safer Road Users
Why do people sign up for the IAM test? There are some common reasons why people sign up for the advanced driving course. The top reason is 'to improve my general standard of driving' with 80 per cent of people listing it as a motivating factor. Becoming a safer driver is also a top reason (73 per cent said this).
The reasons for taking the advanced driving test are broadly similar for men and women; however, there are a few differences:
• Women are more likely to want to take the test to become a more confident driver and to be more fuel efficient.
• Men are more likely to take the test to obtain cheaper car insurance.
The survey looked at encouragement for taking the advanced test:
• Eighty per cent said that it was their own idea to prepare for the IAM test and 83 per cent had paid for it themselves.
• Friends or relatives had suggested it to 11 per cent, and employers had requested it for 5 per cent.
• Six per cent said their employer had paid for the test. The idea came from driving instructors or other professionals in a few other cases (two per cent).
• Ninety-nine per cent of respondents said the advanced test had a positive impact on their driving. Those who reported no impact tended to already have other advanced driving qualifications. 'Greater sensitivity to and awareness of potential hazards and difficult driving conditions' was the most widely reported lasting positive impact (91 per cent of respondents noticed this).
This report clearly shows that drivers who prepare for the advanced driving test notice improved skills, awareness and control. All demographic groups noticed positive changes in their driving habits. The study also shows that the advanced test has long lasting positive effects on attitudes to safe driving.

Supporting media

  • Country Lane 2
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