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Have you returned your GDPR preference form?

Posted on 30/09/22 |

CAM is asking all members to confirm their GDPR preferences.  Unless you have completed a GDPR form within the last 12 months, you should have received one with your copy of the September newsletter.  If you haven’t already done so, please complete this and return to us by 30th October 2022.

Why are we doing this?  You may well ask! It’s been about four years now since the GDPR regulations came into force and many of you completed your forms. Situations and preferences can change over time, and our GDPR Officer has decided this is a good opportunity to confirm your GDPR preferences.

Once completed and returned, your preferences will be recorded and forms securely stored in line with our GDPR policy

If we don’t receive a completed form by 30th October 2022, we will assume you DO NOT wish to withdraw from receiving or participating in any of the activities listed at the top of the form. 

So if you didn’t haven’t completed a form in the last year and want to amend your preferences, why not complete your form now?  If for any reason you need a form (didn’t receive one, can’t find it, something else!), just contact us and we’ll send you one straight out. 


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