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Group Subscriptions

MYAM membership subscriptions fall due on a 12 monthly rolling basis.  Reminders will be sent out close to the time where required.

The current costs for membership of MYAM is

Full and Fellow Members - £10 

Observers - £10 

Friends - Free

Honorary Member - Free (£10 for active members)

Honorary Membership is given to those full members, approved by the Committee as a recognition of outstanding service to the Group.

Please note that Group subscriptions are in addition to subscriptions paid to IAM RoadSmart.  Only members of IAM RoadSmart can be members of the Group.

The preferred method for the collection of Subscriptions is by Direct Debit.  This method vastly reduces the workload placed on our volunteers.

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is an easy way to boost the income MYAM receives.  We can claim back the tax you have paid on your donation (25p for every £1 you pay for your subscription) through Gift Aid. This is just one of the ways we can keep your subscriptions to a minimum but we need your help.


As soon as you give your permission by completing a Gift Aid declaration form, we can claim the tax back on your donation.  The simplest way to do this is by clicking on the Giftaid it logo above, completing the form and then click submit.  It really is that easy.

Even if you are retired you may still be a taxpayer.  Remember that you can declare Gift Aid for multiple charities not just one.

It helps us a great deal and costs you nothing.