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Higher education begins as you leave: tips from IAM RoadSmart

This week’s tips give advice to students packing their bags for the big drive or ride to university. For many this trip will be the furthest they have driven, and in an area they are not yet familiar with. 

Associate membership extensions revised

Posted on 26/08/20 |
In line with the announcement that Advanced Driver and Rider coaching will be available nationwide from Monday 14 September, we have revised our temporary provision of free extensions to Associate membership. This arrangement was put in place temporarily in response to the need to suspend our on-road coaching for all Associates.
An extension to Associate membership will be continue to be provided to those Associates who receive their renewal invitation before 1 February 2021 and who have been unable to complete their coaching and test within their first 12 months of membership.
Associates whose membership is due for renewal between 1 September 2020 and 30 November 2020 will be eligible for a four month extension to their membership at no additional cost. Associates whose membership is due for renewal between 1 December 2020 and 31 January 2021, will be eligible for a two month extension to their membership at no additional cost.
This provision can only be applied at the time each Associate receives their renewal notice. The application must be made by the Associate, by contacting the Customer Care team on 0300 303 1134 or by emailing between 8.30am and 6pm, Monday to Friday.
We continue to monitor Government and devolved administrations restrictions and keep the Associate membership extensions under review in line with the availability of coaching.

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