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About us

For 50 years Bolton Advanced Motorists has provided car, van and minibus drivers with one-to-one guidance to improve their driving technique and raise their driving standard to that required for the IAM’s Advanced Driving Test.

We run four courses each year, starting in; February, May, August and November, each course lasting for at least 8 weeks.

The Group’s structured Training Programme commences with a classroom briefing on the basics of Advanced Driving, followed by a demonstration drive given by a qualified Observer. For the remainder of the course you will drive your own car accompanied by a qualified Observer who will advise you on how to improve your driving skills through town, on country roads and on motorways.

Prior to taking the Advanced Driving Test we give you the opportunity to meet your local IAM Examiner and he will tell you what he expects from you during the test. You will also be given plenty of opportunity to ask him questions about any aspects of the test or driving in general.

The Group also has a very active social life, details of which are contained in our monthly newsletter. Activities range from monthly social meetings with guest speakers to driving competitions, and from numerous dinners to many visits to places of interest. Our forthcoming events are shown on these pages.

Note that, as befits a registered charity, our Observers and Trustees are all unpaid volunteers who are keen to share their skills and knowledge to help you pass the Advanced Test.