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Electric Avenue

Posted on 31/12/23 |

(A series of articles highlighting this new technology.)

It seems that something is being announced almost every day at the moment in the world of electric vehicles, with mainstream internal combustion engine (ICE) manufacturers giving details of new models and upgrades to existing units, so we want to keep you up to date with all this new-fangled electrickery techy thingy, as only your dedicated newsletter team can!

A slight detour this month, as we have unearthed a few snippets from publications we have been delving into that you might find interesting (well, of course you find everything in our newsletter interesting, don’t you?).  Now a few of us have a canine friend that wants to tag along with us as we go out and about.  Some are easy-peasy, as you can pop them in the back securely by just scooping them up as they weigh very little, but, some of us have a - shall we say - larger dog that needs a bit more space in the back. So, what to buy to accommodate our doggie pals?  Car magazine “What Car” has recently published its top list of what you might want to look at if you are in the market for something dog friendly.  Have a look at this link:

Now the mini has been around in one form or another since 1959, and the latest electric versions are getting great reviews from the motoring press - but that set us thinking what was it like when it was first shown to the public.  Now you know us, we like a delve around in the archives.  So, we have come up with a couple of links from the past. The first one is a TV commercial for the Mini when it was first launched back in 1959.  The second one shows the two millionth mini rolling off the production line in 1969, that is just 10 years after the original mini.

The original mini TV commercial:

The two millionth mini coming off the production line:

Now back to the present day.  As you may know we are fans of some of the Kia range of electric cars.  In fact we have even published test reports in previous issues on the Kia Niro EV and the Kia EV6.  Just last year they launched the EV9 here in the UK, it is a large “Range Rover” size car, which we are sure will get an excellent reception in the USA, where roads are longer, wider and in general, out of the cities more suited to that size of vehicle.  Kia’s latest launch is the new Kia EV3, a much smaller “crossover” car that is more suited to UK roads.  Prices are still to be announced, but we think it should be sub £30,000 and will come in on lease around the £370 per month, depends on spec and terms of course.  Range should be around 360 miles, with a useable range, traffic/weather/temperature dependent of about 330 miles, driven normally. offering around the 4Kwh per mile figure.

Well, worth a look.  Fully-charged show have just released a video on 11th September on YouTube, click here to see it:

Car magazine “Auto Express” has released what it thinks are the top 20 EV’s to consider this year, if, of course, you are thinking of maybe making the switch. They have given the pros and cons on each model, and a price indication, interestingly they have included the new Ford Explorer which we featured a couple of newsletters ago, this is the one with the “Blue Cruise” option, that has semi-autonomous driving cruise control on motorways. In any case the article is well worth a look

Well folks, that’s about it for this October edition, we hope you like the world class, award winning, journalism we bring you, not just this month, but every month, so look forward to seeing you again next month.  Until then, drive safe and remember to tell everyone about our fantastic, advanced driving course, the next one is in November, and starts with an introduction evening on 30th October at the usual venue, Lostock Parish Centre.  If you know of anyone that you think might be interested, then invite them along for a hot drink and a biscuit or two….  We don’t bite , Honest!

Remember, if you’re thinking of “upgrading” to electric, please let us know, we would love to hear what you are thinking of changing to, plus if you have any questions, just shout out!

Barry Sloan – Publicity Officer

ED;  Just following on from Barry’s video’s on the Mini in 1959 and 1969, you might like to watch Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett in the Austin Morris new cars advert from 1978. 

Listen for the cost of petrol at “five and a tanner a gallon” (that’s five shillings and six pence in old money, 27.5p in new decimal currency!).  At todays prices a gallon is around £6.00!!

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