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A Pen Portrait From Our New Acting Chairman, David Mesquita-Morris

Posted on 04/03/20 |

For those who don’t know me, which I’m sure is the vast majority, I have recently moved to CSAM from Guildford Advanced Motorists (GAM), where I was their Chief Observer and before that Vice Chairman. I am a National Observer, Local Observer Assessor and also a Masters Mentor.

My CSAM interactions prior to joining have been numerous: Dennis Clement, was my Masters Mentor back when I took the course and expertly guided me to a good result; I later ran into Dennis and Duncan when I joined the IAM RoadSmart Strategy Group, and have seen various committee members at national and regional conferences over the years. Finally, Phil invited me to an Observer training session back in 2018 where I teamed up with Oliver Farley and a couple of other Observers. So all this with the fact that I live in Loxwood, (just inside the CSAM patch), joining the group was really inevitable.

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