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2018-05-19 14.32.08Group Rides

Group rides are published on the events calendar and are organised with the support of and or by the social and events committee. We plan to have at least two monthly organised rides which include both half and full day rides as well as evening rides when the evenings are lighter with the aim of offering our members as many opportunities as possible to join us.

Group rides are open to all full members who are welcome to bring a pillion should they wish. However associates may only attend group rides when their riding is approaching test standard and their observer invites them along or authorises their attendance. With safety in mind, this approach ensures that members can be confident that the people they are riding with will be competent and safe allowing all to enjoy their ride.

If you wish to offer to lead a ride of your own then do please let the social and events committee know.

Ride Coordinator Stef Pitcher

Events Chairman Gary Pike

P1020252CAM Advice on group organised rides

The following advice on organising and riding in CAM Group Organised Rides (GOR’s) comes from a Workshop held on the 17th November 2012. This paper was presented to CAM’s Training Support Group on 21st January 2013 and is the Group recommended process, it should be read in conjunction with the IAM publication Group Organised Rides – a guide and does not replace any IAM policy

GOR’s are open to all fully paid up Members, and Associate Members who have been invited by their Observer (the Observer will normally accompany their Associate on their first GOR). Associate members are asked not to bring pillions on GOR’s.

Please ensure that you have a full tank of fuel at the start of the GOR as fuel stops will normally be planed for about every 100 miles – if your bike doesn’t have this range please make sure you advise the Ride Leader (RL)


The RL will hold a briefing at the start of each GOR: this will variously include the aim of the GOR (what sort of ride it is) route, distance , stops and details of the end point of each sector of the GOR an IAM disclaimer will be given at each GOR as well as an explanation of the 2nd (Wo)man drop off system. The RL will provide the GOR with their mobile phone number in case of problems arising during the ride.

2nd Man Drop off system 

This system is used to to mark deviation from route at every junction turn or roundabout – if the direction of travel is straight on the junction is not so marked The RL will indicate, by pointing, to rider directly behind them the need to mark a junction

 the Marker MUST stop in a safe place
 position themselves just before the junction and indicate to following riders the direction of travel
 The Marker must wait at the junction until the Last Man arrives indicating all the Ride has passed and will indicate the Marker may continue

Good practice also suggests that all riders should be aware of where the bike following them is and if the fall from sight for a sustained period it may be prudent to stop and allow them to catch up – the RL should check with the Last Man, at the end of each sector, that the pacing of the ride is OK

Safe following distances 

In slow town traffic or on dual carriageways it is possible to ride in a staggered formation, the formation is set by the position of the RL, remember you must keep formation as the bike following you may need a greater stopping distance past you . Your stopping distance is a minimum of 2 seconds from the bike in-front of the bike in-front of you!


Normally there will be no overtaking within the GOR, the exception being if the rider in front indicated for you to do so
 Moving through traffic keep only one bike between each two vehicles
 Make sure you landing place is vacated BEFORE you try to fill it
 Always check when pulling in that there isn’t a bike following you into the same place and move to the nearside to allow them to land
 As the RL you must move forward of a convoy of traffic to give space for the GOR to follow you and make good progress if you don’t do this there is no point in your overtake!
 On dual carriageways having overtaken do not pull back to the nearside unless you have at least 10 seconds before you need to pull out again (avoid forming a Chinese Dragon!)
 On single carriageways, if safe to do so, stay out on the wrong side of the road with your indicator on for 2 or 3 seconds after passing traffic to show that the road is clear at least up to your position BUT only if its safe

Speed Limits 

Speed limits are never negotiable, ALL will be observed in the GOR.
In 30’s and 40’s the RL may ride below the limit to allow the ride to close up if it is straggling


In the event of a road traffic incident NO member of the group will be allowed to continue unaccompanied on a damaged bike or if injured
If an incident occurs the LM will take control of the incident and direct other rides from the scene and to advise the GL and Makers along the route

Ending your ride 

At the end of the day advise the GL and LM where you want to peel off to home at the last sector stop. If you change you mind on route wait at your turn for the Last Man and wave him on indicating you are OK and are leaving the ride

Ride Safe Enjoy your Ride and Keep the Shiney Side Up! 

Mark Tucker and Terry Tomlin (workshop leaders )
20th November 2012