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AGM Report

Posted on 22/10/23 |

Firstly, from David as retiring Chair- New one- the Chair’s award for the greatest contribution from a member/volunteer. Graham Barnett- always reliable, always there, what success is built on. So, thanks G!

From the secretary-

    • Election of Group Officers *

Ashley Rudd elected Group Chair

Graham Barnett elected Vice Chair

Mark Tucker and Malcolm Farrar re-elected secretary and treasurer respectively 

    • Election of Committee *

By Block Steven Marshall, Jeremy Weekes, David Mooney,

Michael Trace and Sue Dobson were elected to the Committee.

Stefan Pitcher was elected News Letter editor and John Percival elected Web and Social Media officer  

Extracts from Ashley, the incoming Chair's address-

‘We are a community of individuals; with a wealth of different experiences in life; coming together through the love of biking.  We’ve explored roads I didn’t know existed, forged lasting friendships as well as finding the best cafes in Devon & Cornwall.

As the new Chair I want to build on previous successes. New members are the life blood of the Club, and we can never lose sight of this. A Club’s success relies on the support of the Club members for without them it doesn’t exist. 

We recently started sending surveys out to Associates who had completed the course to measure their experience which to date in very positive. What is also clear is that the vast majority join us from word-of-mouth recommendations, telling friends & family to join because it makes a difference & may even save your life!     

My vision therefore is simple continue to foster a welcoming and inclusive environment where riders of all backgrounds, bikes and skill levels can come together to share their passion for motorcycles and most importantly have fun & join-in our well-organised social events.

When we meet as a new committee, we should remember we serve the interests of our club not our own. We need to be open, honest, and respectful of differing views and open to new ideas.  

We shouldn’t shy away from facing difficult issues and support making tough decisions, when necessary, and when they are best for the club. 

I want to thank you all for entrusting me with the role of Club Chair. Together, we will make this club an even more vibrant and exciting community for motorcycle fans from all over Cornwall’.

New chairman, Ashley, saying a few words...

Retiring chairman's 'member of the year', Graham Barnett, receiving a token of thanks.

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