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Winter Driving

Dec 21, 2021, 07:13 AM by Robin Sutton
Edward Harper saw this timely reminder of what might be to come on our roads. Don't panic, this is not a weather warning from the UK its from Anchorage Police dated 14th December 2018.

The advice, though, is universal and as Edward says ,"Not sure if we will get too much weather like this to deal with, but fail to plan - plan to fail!"

Icy and snowy road conditions: Drive with care and caution, please!

The good news: it's a Winter Wonderland!
The bad news: The roads are... not ideal right now.

Drivers, please use extra caution while navigating the roads. It's slick and snowy out there and visibility isn't great in some parts of town. Here's a refresher on some winter driving tips:

    1. Turn on your headlights and use your turn signals. Help other drivers to see you.
    2. Make sure all of your exterior lights are in working order.
    3. Clear all of the snow off of your car so you can see out and you’re not blinding other drivers by having the snow blow off your car and onto theirs.
    4. After you’ve stopped at a red light, and it cycles to green, do not go before looking both ways and making sure no one is running the light.
    5. Leave plenty of room between you and the vehicle in front of yours to give you extra stopping room.
    6. Keep emergency gear in your car such as warm clothing, a shovel, jumper cables, flashlight, etc.
    7. Give yourself extra time to arrive at your destination. If you’re late – you’re late. Don’t chance driving too fast for road conditions which can lead to collisions. And then you’ll really be late.
    8. When you come to a stop behind another vehicle, do not pull all the way up on their bumper. Leave room to manouver in case the car coming in behind yours needs extra stopping space.
    9. When you’re driving, look not only at the car directly in front of yours, but three to four cars ahead. The sooner you’re aware of a problem on the roadway, the more time you have to react and either stop or move.
    10. Keep a phone charger in your car so a dead cell phone battery does not prevent you for calling for help in the event you should need too.
    11. Be aware of pedestrians. They will be taking it extra slow as the sidewalks are just as slick.

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