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Jim Cunliffe presents at a 'Senior Road User' event in Halewood

Posted on 27/09/17 |

Jim Cunliffe, SHGAM National Observer and Committee member, gave a presentation at a Senior Road User event in Halewood on the 19th September. More than 50 people attended. The event, aimed at road users aged 60 and over, was designed to help improve their safety and increase their confidence on roads.

The ‘Senior Road User’ event was the latest in a series of events organised by Knowsley Council’s Road Safety team to provide information and advice to over 60s. The campaign highlights the factors that can affect over 60s in terms of safe travel and aims to reduce the number of road traffic collisions involving people of this age.

There was information and advice for everyone who attended, whether they were a driver, pedestrian or user of public transport. Speakers and stallholders that attended on the day to offer their expertise included Merseyside Police, Knowsley’s Road Safety Team, Arriva and Stagecoach, Knowsley’s Older Person’s Voice, Volair, an A&E Consultant and the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

The day proved to be a huge success, with many people taking the time to leave positive comments about the event.  All said that they felt much better informed about how they can keep themselves safe the next time they are out on the road, whether that’s behind a wheel, as a passenger in a vehicle or on foot.

Here’s what some of the people who attended the Senior Road User event had to say:

“All the speakers were so knowledgeable and you can learn so much from their experience.”

“The presentation about the driving course was excellent – I have signed up for it.”

“There was really useful information about driving in high winds and in the winter. I have been driving for more than 50 years and didn’t know a lot of this.”

Senior Road Users Event Halewood 19th Sept 2017

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