Jim Cunliffe, SHGAM National Observer and Committee member, gave a presentation at a Senior Road User event in Rainford on the 7th December.
It was the latest in a series of events hosted by St Helens Council to address the increasing number of accidents involving drivers aged 60 and over. Dozens of older Rainford Residents attended the course in the village hall.
From left to right:-Steven Pang from Merseyside Fire and Rescue Services (MF&RS), Jim Cunliffe, Vincent Taylor (MF&RS), Jean Hunt from Sefton Council who is the Chair of Merseyside Road Safety Officers Group (MERSOG), George Houghton - Lead Officer for the Senior Road Users Thematic Group of the Merseyside Road Safety Partnership, Sgt Ian McPhail from Merseyside Police, Colette Atkinson from Arriva, Councillor Allan Jones is Ward Councillor for Rainford, Councillor Dennis McDonnell is Ward Councillor for Billinge and Seneley Green, Dave Wainwright is the Council's Principal Traffic Engineer and Paul Mountford from Merseyside Police. [see IAM Inform: Issue 174 17th January 2018].