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Waiting and....

Posted on 12/04/20 |

Hi peeps
I know we're all feeling sooo frustrated, can't get on the bike, can't go anywhere, the weather is just sooo gorgeous for a ride......

We know that T5 is the social part of the club and here we are not being sociable thought I, so I was pondering on a way of trying to stay in touch a little bit when it occurred to me that there were in fact a coupla ways we can do it.

 I expect you know I'm not a FaceBook man but of course YAM does have an FB presence, in fact there are 2 parts to it:
An FB page which is a window on the club that anyone can visit,
and an FB

 group that's only for club members the link to which is here.

And we do have this website where anyone in the club/all T5ers can comment on a News item like this.
If you scroll down to the end of the report there are spaces where you can make your comment/suggestions etc.
If you are not already logged into your YAM registered email you need to enter your name and email address for the comment to be accepted.
I know it seems like a pain to have this moderated but we now have a system where it's a pretty quick process.IMG_3835

So whaddya think, shall we give it a go?


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