Our Advanced Driver course will help make you a safer driver and could save you money.
Our Advanced Driver course will help make you a safer driver and could save you money.
Drunk motorists cause thousands of accidents on UK roads every year. Some 1,380 people were killed or seriously injured when at least one driver was over the limit. This represents a statistically significant rise from 1,310 in 2014. A lot of people may be surprised to learn that accidents occur the most over the summer period. This week’s tips give advice on drink driving, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.
Richard said: “The consequences of drinking and driving can be tragic. It may be that your ability to drive is affected even if you are below the legal limit, if you need to drive the safest way is a no drinking policy. We all know of someone who had ‘one for the road’, the lucky ones escaped with just a driving ban.”
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