Chip runs are now fully in swing. Neil will be advising on the locations each week via normal channels. Open to all, if you want to come along on a Wednesday evening, just head to the BP petrol station at Westhill at 6pm.
In 2023 we are looking to maximise the attendance of the AAM group at local events. We need volunteers to staff our Mobile Display Unit (MDU) and represent what we do. Have a look at the events page and if you can volunteer your time please get in contact at
Securing the right motor insurance is an unavoidable headache, but once you have it can be off-putting hearing about the many ways you could have saved or reduced your monthly payments. This week’s tips give advice on reducing your motor insurance costs, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.
After being involved in a road traffic incident it is easy to lose confidence and the thought of getting back in the driving seat can be quite daunting. This week’s tips give advice on how to cope after the aftermath of a driving incident, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gladman.
During the daily commute we are often in such a hurry we could leave our brains on the kitchen counter! This forgetfulness can also often happen whilst we are in our cars and so we end up leaving valuables visible for thieves. This week’s tips give advice on how to prevent car theft, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving and riding standards Richard Gl...
Buying a brand new car is something that many dream of. Although “running in” a car is not so critical today as it was in times gone by, there are a few things to bear in mind as you drive your shiny new pride and joy away from the showroom. This week’s tips give advice on driving a new car, from IAM RoadSmart’s head of driving an...