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Meet our Team

IAM Lincolnshire is run by volunteers who are passionate about making life on the road safer and more enjoyable. Our volunteers make up a Committee Team who are also Trustees of the charity and are elected annually by the group's members. 

Our 25-strong volunteer Observer team deliver our in-car courses and our popular presentations/webinars.

An Annual General Meeting is held each year where the charity's activities throughout the year are reviewed. The information our most recent AGM's can be found at the bottom of this page.

If you would like to talk to a member of the team about joining our group, we'd be happy to answer any of your questions. More details can be found here.

Meet our current Committee 

Chair & Chief Observer      

GC new

Geoff Coughlin

Geoff took on the roles of Chair and Chief Observer in June 2024 having worked with the group as an Observer and Training Officer. He feels passionately about what IAM Roadsmart Lincolnshire is looking to achieve: helping to reduce road deaths and improve driving standards across the Lincolnshire's roads.

Geoff is also one of the group Master mentors and is able to support not only Associates on their Advanced Driving Course (ADC) but also Masters Driving Course candidates. Geoff manages a growing team of around 20 Observers as you can see on this page and is keen to develop the team to be diverse and inclusive, delivering an exciting, challenging and rewarding experience for all Associates undertaking their ADC.

Geoff is married to Sara and has a daughter, Emily. Although he gives a lot of time to IAM activities, he also runs two businesses: a business skills training consultancy and online hobby magazine devoted to all things scale modelling as well as writing books.



Simon Clayton

Simon spent his career working for Network Rail and joined the IAM in 2014.

He swiftly became a National Observer and, since then, has achieved three F1RST passes during Fellow re-tests. Following his retirement Simon enjoys beekeeping alongside observing and is embracing his role on the committee so far.

Simon’s Dad is also an IAM member, having been part of Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists for 35 years, representing them as Secretary for 19 years.


Young Driver Ambassador      


Stephen Johnson

Stephen joined the IAM aged 22, kicking off on two wheels, which he found very rewarding.

Stephen embraces the mantra ‘doing everything I do better than yesterday’ and says learning, developing and pushing himself to the limits are key. Stephen passed his advanced rider test and quickly followed the car test, passing with a F1RST. More recently, he achieved his Masters in the car with a Distinction, becoming one of the youngest people to hold the qualification.

Outside of IAM life, Stephen enjoys kayaking and mentoring others to learn/improve.


Committee Member      


Louise Cummings

Louise has always enjoyed driving and passed her test first time in 1990, prior to joining the RAF as the first female military musician for 17 years. She then pursued other roles as a civilian, including owning her own B&B in the Highlands! 

Louise joined IAM in July 2023, having been bought an Advanced Course as a Christmas present by her husband. Louise passed her Advanced Test achieving a F1RST in February 2024 and became a committee member.

She is now keen to explore the achieving her Masters & becoming a National Observer. 




Sarah Watkins

Originally from Yorkshire, before settling in Lincolnshire, Sarah had her first driving lesson on her 17th birthday, passing her driving test first time in March 1990. Having passed her test, Sarah always wanted to complete her Advanced Driver Course but put this on the back burner due to moving around the country with her husband Pete in the RAF. Sarah loves driving, absolutely anything and has driven tractors, minibus, cars and bikes - even having a go at driving an articulated lorry and a tank!

Finally passing her advanced test in July 2018, Sarah has a keen interest in young drivers and their safety on the roads, wanting to encourage them to gain important skills and knowledge as they start their driving journeys. 

Outside of IAM life Sarah works as an administrator in a large nursing home in Lincoln which she loves, along with spending time with her family and friends, walking, socialising and attending country shows.




Fundraising Officer      


Tony Lofts

Tony joined the IAM in 2008, following 38 years in the RAF. Since then Tony has undertaken a variety of driving jobs, including taxi driving.

He is IAM Lincolnshire’s longest serving observer and committee member and is the familiar friendly face of the raffle at our meetings. Tony says that it is really gratifying to see one of ‘your’ associates passing the advanced test and to see them enjoying driving much more whilst being safer makes the time and effort spent volunteering well worth it.


Committee Member      


Dawn Zalas

Dawn took her advanced driving test after joining the Traffic Department in Notts Police in 1989.

Having encouraged her daughter to take part in the Young Advanced Drivers scheme with IAM Lincs and the PCC she thought about a re-test, passing with flying colours and was then encouraged to become an Observer. In February 2024 she gained her National Observers certification.

Dawn really enjoys driving and is keen to pass her enthusiasm on. 



Meet our Observer team

National Observer    


David Jones

David passed his driving test in 1983 and after many years of 'life getting in the way', he joined the IAM in 2017, when doctors grounded him following an operation.

Within weeks, David passed his advanced driving test, achieving a F1RST and he went on to pass the Masters two years later. David recently gained his National Observer certification and is keen to help others improve their driving skills. He will be re-certifying his Masters qualification later in the year.

Outside of work, David enjoys live music, F1, spending time with family and friends, and (when he gets time) flying gliders. 


Annual General Meeting (AGM) Documents