IAM RoadSmart, the UK’s largest independent road safety organisation, is saying a big thank you to its amazing volunteers during Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June).
Tony Greenidge, Interim Chief Executive Officer, is paying tribute to the thousands of active volunteers who, through their work in local communities across the country, make a significant contribution towards IAM RoadSmart’s charitable mission to reduce the number of people killed and injured on roads in the UK.
And while the Coronavirus pandemic has put all on-road coaching activity on hold, IAM RoadSmart members have been proactive in taking their skills and time into the community to help those in greatest need.
In recent months members have turned their hands – and their driving and riding expertise – to activities including local bloodrunner services, pharmacy deliveries to people shielding at home and joining the NHS Volunteer Responders.
Tony said: “Our volunteers are central to our work to improve driver and rider skills and I have been inspired by the positivity of our members who have been actively seeking out new opportunities to help their communities.
“I would like to say a big thank you to all our amazing volunteers, on behalf of everyone who has benefited from their coaching and local group activities. I am enormously grateful for the many voluntary hours, the passion and expertise they provide to help others make improvements to their driving and riding. They really are the lifeblood of our organisation.”
Advanced drivers and riders can expect to save money on fuel, insurance and vehicle wear and tear. Using advanced driving and riding techniques can reduce a vehicle’s carbon footprint, improve driver and rider wellbeing, increase enjoyment and reduce stress on the roads.
IAM RoadSmart will be marking Volunteers’ Week on social media, with blogs about volunteering from our members and in a personal thank you open letter sent to all our 180+ groups from Tony, who is new to the role of Interim CEO.
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