Statement on cancelling annual MOT tests

Posted on 27/04/22 |

“No doubt, the proposal to scrap annual MOT tests will be welcomed by many households looking to balance the books amid the surging cost-of-living. Having said this, the proposal is simply not worth the risk.

“It may come as a surprise to some that even new cars fail on safety critical items such as tyres and brakes defects which annual MOT tests often diagnose. Only having a test every two years means potentially thousands more unsafe vehicles could be on Britain’s roads, putting road users at unnecessary and totally avoidable risk.

“There is also a compelling argument that this new measure could actually be counterproductive to saving money. It is reasonable to suggest that less frequent vehicle checks will result in more accidents on our roads, in turn increasing household’s car insurance premiums.

“Furthermore, fleet managers have a responsibility to keep their drivers safe while they are out on Britain’s roads. Thorough and regular MOT checks are a critical part of this duty of care and failing to do will undoubtedly put their staff at risk.”

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