Research reports

As well as issuing road safety policy statements and working with government and the media, the IAM RoadSmart Policy & Research Team undertake research into driver behaviour and a range of other road safety issues. Following are a sample of our recent published reports.

Cognitive behaviour therapy - a stress buster for motorcyclists?

Research report posted on 06/07/17 |
Safer Road Users

Motorcyclists continue to account for disproportionately more casualties than would be expected given the distance they travel.

In 2014 motorcycle traffic increased by 3 per cent while the number of seriously injured casualties increased by 9 per cent over the same period.

This report evaluates the potential impact of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for motorcyclists who may feel stressed on the UK’s busy roads. The results were very positive among the small sample who were able to complete the therapy sessions.  The report concludes that a larger sample would confirm the benefits of coping strategies and these benefits could extend to other road users as well.

Supporting media

  • Cognitive behavioural therapy
    Cognitive behavioural therapy IAM RoadSmart Report
    1.2 MB