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    Clive's Story

    Our latest IAM RoadSmart member story involves Clive and his passion for motorcycles which he rediscovered through learning new skills at IAM RoadSmart. Read how IAM RoadSmart gave him the skills to go from rider to observer and how his journey led him to being an award winning Volunteer.

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    Racing queen revisited

    Eddy Lambah-Stoate, passionate IAM RoadSmart member, motorbike enthusiast and content creator, shares his passion about all things on two wheels. This article retells an experience from 2018.

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    Mental Health and IAM RoadSmart Champion

    Stephen Carr’s latest achievement is completing and passing his Mental Health First Aid course and becoming a registered volunteer with the charity. Read all about his journey here.

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  • Richard Gentle

    40 Years with IAM RoadSmart

    "People often say that you begin to learn to drive after you’ve passed your test. The same goes for passing the Advanced test, as I did at age 20." Richard Gentle, IAM RoadSmart member for 40 years, tells us about his journey over the decades.

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  • The Thinking Observer

    The Thinking Observer

    Raymond Clarke from Lisburn Advanced Motorcyclist tells his story from qualifying as an IAM RoadSmart Advanced Rider to Observer. "By way of explanation and as an indication of where I am on the journey that most, if not all, riders are on, I offer the following..."

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