Our Local Group Network

Support for Associate Members preparing for the advanced test is provided by a national network of around 160 local IAM RoadSmart groups. These groups, all run by volunteers, represent a unique resource with unparalleled experience and expertise.

They also enable members to share ideas and contribute to IAM RoadSmart's important work in developing and promoting innovative road safety strategies. You'll meet and enjoy the company of fellow driving and motorcycling enthusiasts. IAM RoadSmart members who have lost touch with their local group will be warmly welcomed back and may be encouraged to become an observer or group official.

Why join a local group?

As an IAM RoadSmart member you can get more involved in helping others become better drivers and riders, by being an active member of your local group.

With over 160 local groups spread across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, joining a local IAM RoadSmart group allows members to meet like-minded people, share ideas and develop their skills. They are great fun, thanks to social events such as Sunday rides into the countryside, group skidpan courses, treasure hunts or track days, as well as exclusive visits such as a ‘behind the scenes’ tour of a motorway control centre.

You can also use your advanced skills to become an Observer or Volunteer.

IAM RoadSmart couldn’t exist without the help of thousands of dedicated members who give their time to help others improve their skills. Having enjoyed the experience of learning with IAM RoadSmart, they want to make a difference and help others follow in their wheel-tracks. Our active volunteers are the lifeblood of IAM RoadSmart, and there are lots of ways you can get involved, such as helping out with local group activities or becoming an Observer.

Local groups organise events to raise awareness of driving skills as well as social activities, such as organised rides for members. Active volunteers are always needed, and no special skills are required. What you will get back depends on what you put in but at a minimum, you can expect to feel like you are making a worthwhile contribution to a vitally important cause.

Find your local group

To search for your local IAM RoadSmart group please enter the first part of your postcode (e.g. BN4, TW23)

Full IAM RoadSmart Group List

  • icon-Motorcycle

    Edinburgh Advanced Motorcyclists

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: David Betts
    Email Address: secretary@edam.org.uk
    Phone Number: 07944 490069

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  • icon-Car icon-Minibus

    Exeter & Torbay

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Chris Pattern
    Email Address: secretary.etamroadsmart@gmail.com
    Phone Number: 07522 480883

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle

    Fife (Kingdom of) Group

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Fred Davidson
    Email Address: membership@kofgiam.org.uk
    Phone Number: 0845 604 8342

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle

    Forth Valley Group

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Mark Elder
    Email Address: membership@forthvalleyiam.org.uk
    Phone Number: 07973 217256

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle icon-Commercial

    Glasgow North

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Kevin Miller
    Email Address: secretary@iamglasgow.org
    Phone Number: 07393 074157

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle

    Glasgow South

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled observers. Training in our car section is provided on a one-to-one basis throughout the year, while our motorcycle section meets weekly on Wednesday evenings from spring to autumn. We also run a varied programme of indoor meetings and other social activities. Please get in touch or visit our website to find out more about our group.

    Contact Name: Steve Bearne
    Email Address: contact@iam-gs.org.uk
    Phone Number: 07935 550572

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  • icon-Car

    Gloucestershire Advanced Motorists

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Susan McClung
    Email Address: membership@glosiam.org.uk
    Phone Number: 07712 302509

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle

    Gordon Advanced Motorists

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Peter Kellas
    Email Address: secretarygordonam@btinternet.com
    Phone Number: 01467 268905

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  • icon-Car

    Guildford Advanced Motorists

    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Paul Whitehead
    Email Address: membership@guildford-iam.org.uk
    Phone Number: 07860 600477

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  • icon-Car icon-Motorcycle


    As a local IAM affiliated group we provide all the mentoring and guidance you'll need as you develop your advanced skills with our team of friendly and skilled Observers. Each group provides this support in a number of different ways so please get in touch to find out more about the mentoring you will receive from us.

    Contact Name: Trevor Clarke
    Email Address: trevordclarke@outlook.com
    Phone Number: Gwent Advanced Motorists

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